Best Commercial Painters Elgin, IL

commercial painters

Best Commercial Painters Elgin, IL

Searching for a new painter can be overwhelming. Looking a commercial painter that can handle large jobs in a tight time frame is ever trickier! Lucky for you we have some companies and people we can recommend for you! So sit back, watch or listen to the Best commercial Painters in Elgin, IL !

What is a commercial Painter

It may sound dumb to say it, but there is a difference in residential and commercial painters. Not all painters are the same. Not all tools or job sites needed to paint a commercial site are the same as those needed for a residential location.

Commercial painters are typically those companies that:

  • have a larger staff
  • will be able to provide the larger insurabce requiremnets
  • can transport larger pices of scaffold, ladders, or lifts
  • use larger sprayers
  • keep indusrial type power washers
  • work on large buildings interior and exterior

Painting a 2 story exterior house is ALOT different than painting a 40 concrete building. The tools, equiptment, materials and people needed to paint a warehouse is substantial.

Best Local Commercial Painters

One of the top guys in the area that we have worked with and know personally are the folks at Allied Painting in Elgin, IL . Allied is a big player for sure. from local municipalities, large houses, warehouses, and floors, man they can do it all! Call Jon! 847.429.4660

Another Company we have seen and helped on some wallpaper projects is In ad Out Painting in Crystal Lake, IL . IN and Out does commercial work all over the Chicago area, and has been the recipient of some of our employees!! You can reach Christian at 815.245.6961

One of the largest commercial painters int he area, heck in the nation is in Glenn Ellyn, Painters USA. They area beast of a painting company! Painters USA can do almost anything with paint and almost anywhere! Commercial, industrial, farming, water towers- they do it all. You can reach them at 800.999.8715.

Other painters to call?

I will leave that question to you and Google.

Kind of a short and to the point post to help you, based on who we know and what we have seen as a painter. These are who I would call, in no order, but that do great work!


Add a splash of color and style to your walls. Book your paint and wallpaper appointment today!