Residential Interior Painting

Your home is your refuge. When it comes time to painting your home you want it to be easy, clean, on time and on budget.

With our staff of amazing artisans that love to paint we help you in 3 easy steps. We provide you with an estimate, we schedule the work, and you get to relax while we do the interior house painting work!

The Table of contents- What we will cover

5 star quality icon

People you can trust!

We have employees and independent contractors, which have been screened and certified background checks

Painting guarantee icon

Our work is guaranteed

We provide lifetime warranty on all our work

schedule icon

We will maintain our work

We come to your home 1 year for free touch ups, and every year you are there as long as the paint has not been changed.

Locally owned icon

Local and Veteran owned

Located in Huntley, IL, we are proud to be serving the Fox Valley area

A Love for Giving Back

A percentage of all profits goes to helping Victims of Sexual abuse and trafficking through Camp Cedar IL

Free Color consultations

We have interior designers that can work with you on your project. Let them help you take the fear out of selecting colors.

Our Simple 3 Step Process

Book An Estimate

Find a time that works best for you and we will schedule a call, virtual estimate or an on-site visit.

Schedule Your Project

Make it work for your schedule. You'll love how flexible we are!

Relax and enjoy the results

We do all the work so you can enjoy your life. Did we mention free touch-ups for life?