Getting a Paint(ing) Estimate

metric based paint estimates

Getting a Paint(ing) Estimate

I am selling ahouse and I need painting. I am buying a house and it needs to be painted. I am tired of the colors in my house and I want it painted! It has been years since the house was painted last and it needs to be repainted or refreshed. Do any of these sound familiar? Getting a Paint(ing) Estimate does not need to be stressful. Here is our version of what you need to do to get a estimate for painting your home.

how much paint do we need

Who should you call to get a painting estimate?

The task of who to call to get a paint estimate is pretty easy. The quick and simple is do some homework.

  • Do you have friends or family that have used a painter they liked?
  • do a Google search- find local companies, look for reviews- the more the better!
  • call your local paint store- who do they recommend?

Not a lot to go over on that one- pretty straight forward.

We are located Huntley, IL, but serve all over the greater Chaicago Suburbs and Fox Valley area from Woodstock, Algonquin, Barrington, Elgin, St Charles and Batavia- to name a few.

Dont be afraid to search painter new me! You may get paid ads- but you will also see painters on a google map show up close to your home! Zoom out search the area to find even more!

On site estimate or Virtual estimate

So – this one is interesting. We do both, but it does depend on what we are estimating. Some things we can do via text, call, or from on line inofrtion such as realtor apps.

What to expect when getting a Painting Estimate

When doing estimates for painting there are several things we need to know;

  • What are you looking to get painted
  • When are you looking to get things painted
  • What is your budget (check out our Online price calculator!)
  • Are there repairs to be made
  • Anthing special we need to know? (allergies?- large furniture?)

Ideally we would like to have information up front, so we in turn cam send you information such as types of paint, sheens, prep work, time to paint etc. We are geared to educate you as much as possible on what you don’t know, update you on changes to paint, and make sure you are 100% informed. Suprises are great for parties-but suck when your having work done in your house!

When we arrive for the estimate, we will ask questions, get clarification on the work you want done, ask your questions, get measurements, and take pictures of items to be painted. From there- we will provide you a estimate in writing from our iPad, and go over all of the items we discuss.

metric based paint estimates

Then you say YES! You hire Dfranco Painting for your project and all is well with the world!! – Ok- yes Im getting ahead of myself. We do hope you agree and sign on the spot to get you schduled as soon as possible. But- some jobs are HUGE- they need time to digest. You may need to verify the budget and schedule to get your painting done.

Either way- the estimate is in writing! we can print it on site if you wish, but you you will have it emailed to you.

Once the estimate is sent, you will have a Portal, that has our insurance information, paint information, links to our crew members, as well as our FAQ page on interior painting

Final thoughts on Getting a Paint(ing) Estimate

At the end of theday, we tell customers it is only paint. We try to take the pain out of painting. But – that does not means there wont be issues with painting. Home improvement projects always have at least one hiccup.

One other thing we like to inform customers is that all of our estimates are Metric Based. What the heck doe that mean? Kind of simple.. KInd of. We measure and count each surface that we are painting. We then plug those numbers into a estimate calculator that uses national industry average on the time it takes to paint a given area or item, and gives you that cost. We don’t guess, We don’t look at a room and say – eh well it looks like___. NO! Measure, write it down so you, me, and our paint crew is 100% clear on the work to be done!

If you have other questions on getting a paint estimate pleage let us know!


Add a splash of color and style to your walls. Book your paint and wallpaper appointment today!