Super Paint vs Duration vs Emerald Paint- A homeowners guide

Super paint vs Duration vs Emerald

Picture this: You’re standing in the paint aisle, surrounded by what seems like a million cans of paint. Your eyes dart from label to label, and suddenly you feel like you’re trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphics. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone, we’ve seen that deer-in-the-headlights look more times than we can count. So relax and lets get into 3 of the paints we use most often when we paint the interior of homes-.Super Paint vs Duration vs Emerald Paint

SO- You want to spruce up your home, but you’re not sure which paint to choose. Should you go for the cheaper option or splurge on the premium stuff? Will it really make a difference? And what the heck do all these fancy paint names even mean?

Take a deep breath. We’ve got your back. With 20 years of experience under our belts, we’ve painted more walls than we can count (seriously, we lost track somewhere around wall number 10,000). We’ve seen the good, the bad, and the “oh no, what have we done?” So, we’re here to break it down for you in plain English – no paint jargon, we promise.

In this article, we’re going to dive into three popular Sherwin-Williams paints: SuperPaint, Duration, and Emerald. We’ll explain what makes each one tick, help you figure out which one might be right for your project, and hopefully, make you chuckle a bit along the way. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll be able to waltz into that paint store like a pro, armed with knowledge and ready to make your home look fabulous.

So, grab a cup of coffee (or wine, we won’t judge), and let’s get started on this colorful journey!

Lets meet todays 3 interior paint contenders!

Super paint vs Duration vs Emerald

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s introduce our three paint contenders. Think of them as the Goldilocks options of the Sherwin Williams paint world – one will be just right for you.

  1. Sherwin-Williams SuperPaint: The Reliable Middle Child (

SuperPaint is like that friend who’s always dependable. It’s not trying to be the fanciest paint on the block, but it’s got your back when you need it. It’s been around for a while and has earned its stripes as a solid, all-around performer.

  1. Sherwin-Williams Duration: The Overachiever (

Duration is that kid in school who was good at everything. It’s got some extra features that make it stand out from the crowd. If SuperPaint is your reliable friend, Duration is the friend who always goes the extra mile.

  1. Sherwin-Williams Emerald: The Fancy Pants (

Emerald is the cream of the crop, the top dog, the… well, you get the idea. It’s Sherwin-Williams’ premium offering, packed with all the bells and whistles. It’s like the friend who shows up to a casual hangout in designer clothes – a bit extra, but you can’t help but be impressed.

Now that we’ve met our contenders, let’s break down what makes each one special.

Sherwin Williams Super Paint- Jack of All trades

Let’s start with SuperPaint, the trusty middle child of the Sherwin-Williams family. It’s been around since the 1980s (yes, it’s older than some of our younger readers), and it’s stood the test of time for good reason.

Features and Benefits:

  1. Good coverage: SuperPaint can usually get the job done in two coats, which means less work for you. Hooray for efficiency!
  2. Decent durability: It can stand up to some scrubbing and cleaning without throwing in the towel.
  3. Mildew resistant: It’s got some built-in mildew resistance, which is great for bathrooms and other moisture-prone areas.
  4. Affordable: It won’t make your wallet cry as much as some of the fancier options.

Available Sheens:

  • Flat
  • Matte
  • Satin
  • Semi-Gloss

When to Choose SuperPaint:

SuperPaint is your go-to if you want a solid, reliable paint that won’t break the bank. It’s great for:

  • Rentals (landlords, we’re looking at you)
  • Quick refresh projects
  • Tight budgets
  • Large areas where you need a lot of paint

Real-life example: Imagine you’re painting your kid’s bedroom. You know that in a few years, they’ll probably want to change the color from “Bubblegum Pink” to “Moody Teen Black.” SuperPaint is perfect for this scenario. It’ll look great, hold up to some crayon marks and poster tape, and won’t make you wince at the cost when it’s time to repaint.

Next up, we have Duration. This paint is like that person at the gym who makes everything look easy. It’s got some muscles, and it’s not afraid to show them off.

Features and Benefits:

  1. Exceptional durability: This paint can take a beating. Scuffs, scratches, and stains are less likely to leave their mark.
  2. Moisture resistance: It’s got some serious water-repelling skills, making it great for kitchens and bathrooms.
  3. One-coat coverage: In many cases, you can get away with just one coat. (But let’s be real, two coats are usually better.)
  4. Easy to clean: You can scrub this paint without fear of it wearing away.

Available Sheens:

  • Flat
  • Matte
  • Satin
  • Semi-Gloss

When to Choose Duration:

Duration is your champion when you need paint that can stand up to life’s little (and big) messes. It’s ideal for:

  • High-traffic areas like hallways and living rooms
  • Kitchens and bathrooms
  • Homes with kids or pets (or both, you brave soul)
  • People who don’t want to repaint for a long time

Real-life example: Picture your kitchen. It’s the heart of your home, where spaghetti sauce splatters, grape juice spills, and greasy fingers leave their mark. Duration is like a superhero for your kitchen walls. It’ll resist those stains and clean up easily, saving you from the dreaded “Why did we choose white for the kitchen?” regret.

Emerald Interior Paint- The Creme de la Creme

Last but certainly not least, we have Emerald. This is the paint equivalent of a luxury car – it’s got all the features, and it’s not shy about it.

Features and Benefits:

  1. Superior coverage: This paint can hide just about anything underneath it.
  2. Exceptional durability: It’s tough as nails. Scrub away without fear.
  3. Stain blocking: It can actually block stains from bleeding through. Magic? Maybe.
  4. Low VOC: It’s better for the environment and your nose.
  5. Antimicrobial properties: It resists mold and mildew like a champ.

Available Sheens:

  • Flat
  • Matte
  • Satin
  • Semi-Gloss
  • High Gloss (ooh, fancy!)

When to Choose Emerald:

Emerald is your go-to when you want the absolute best and are willing to pay for it. It’s perfect for:

  • Forever homes
  • Showcase rooms
  • People with allergies or sensitivities
  • Those who want the longest-lasting paint job possible

Real-life example: Let’s say you’ve just bought your dream home. You’re planning to stay there for the long haul, and you want everything to be perfect. You’re painting your master bedroom, and you want it to look flawless for years to come. Emerald is your paint. It’ll go on smoothly, cover beautifully, and keep looking fresh even when your grandkids come to visit.

Ok- but what sheen do I Pick?

Now that we’ve met our three paint contenders, let’s talk about something that often confuses people: sheens. No, we’re not talking about the sheep (that’s shear, folks). Paint sheen refers to how shiny or flat a paint looks when it’s dry.

Here’s a quick rundown of the sheens available for our three paints:

  1. Flat: This is the least shiny option. It’s great at hiding imperfections but isn’t as easy to clean. Think of it as the “I woke up like this” of paint finishes.
  2. Matte: A step up from flat in terms of shininess. It’s still good at hiding flaws but a bit easier to clean.
  3. Satin: This has a pearl-like finish. It’s more durable than flat or matte and works well in most rooms.
  4. Semi-Gloss: Now we’re getting shiny. This finish is tough and easy to clean, making it great for trim and high-moisture areas.
  5. High Gloss: The shiniest of them all. It’s super durable but will show every imperfection. It’s like the spotlight of paint finishes.

Choosing the right sheen is like picking the right outfit for an occasion. You wouldn’t wear a tuxedo to the beach (unless you’re James Bond), and you probably don’t want high gloss paint in your bedroom.

So which Paint is best for you?

So, you’ve made it this far. You’re practically a paint expert now! But you might still be wondering, “Okay, Dfranco folks, which one should I actually choose?”

Well, like many things in life, it depends. (Don’t you hate that answer? We do too, but it’s true!)

Here’s a handy-dandy guide to help you decide:

Choose SuperPaint if:

  • You’re on a budget
  • You’re painting a large area
  • The space doesn’t get a ton of wear and tear
  • You’re okay with repainting in 5-7 years

Go for Duration if:

  • You have a bit more to spend
  • The area sees a lot of action (kids, pets, parties)
  • You want something that’ll last longer
  • You’re painting a moisture-prone area

Splurge on Emerald if:

  • You want the best of the best
  • You’re painting your forever home
  • You have allergies or are sensitive to paint smells
  • You want the longest-lasting paint job possible

Remember, there’s no “wrong” choice here. All three of these paints are quality products. It’s just a matter of finding the one that fits your needs and budget best.

The Dfranco Difference..

Now, we know what you might be thinking: “Sure, Dfranco, this is all great info, but can’t I just slap some paint on the walls myself?”

Well, you could. And if you’re feeling brave (or just really love DIY projects), go for it! We believe in you.

But here’s the thing: painting is one of those jobs that looks easy until you’re knee-deep in painter’s tape and realizing your walls are a lot bigger than they looked. That’s where we come in.

At Dfranco Painting and Wallpaper, we’ve been making homes beautiful for 20 years. We’ve seen it all – from the “oops, I spilled an entire gallon of paint” disasters to the “wow, I didn’t know my house could look this good” transformations.

We’re not just painters; we’re problem solvers, color consultants, and sometimes even therapists (you’d be surprised how emotional people get about paint colors). We know which paint to use where, how to prep your surfaces properly, and how to make sure your paint job lasts for years to come.

But hey, we’re not here to toot our own horn (okay, maybe a little toot). We just want you to know that whether you choose SuperPaint, Duration, or Emerald, we’re here to help make your painting project a success.

A Colorful Conclusion

Well, folks, we’ve come to the end of our paint-tastic journey. We’ve delved into the world of SuperPaint, Duration, and Emerald, explored the mysterious land of sheens, and hopefully, we’ve made the whole process a little less daunting.

Remember, choosing paint doesn’t have to be a headache-inducing experience. Think about your budget, your needs, and how long you want the paint to last. And don’t be afraid to ask for help – that’s what we’re here for!

Whether you decide to tackle the job yourself or call in the pros (hint, hint), we hope this guide has armed you with the knowledge you need to make the right choice for your home.

So go forth, brave homeowner! Pick your paint, choose your color, and transform your space. And if you need us, well, you know where to find us – probably covered in paint and loving every minute of it.

Happy painting, everyone!


Add a splash of color and style to your walls. Book your paint and wallpaper appointment today!