What to Do When Paint Drips and Splatters: Prevention and Solutions

paint splatter on floors

What to Do When Paint Drips and Splatters: Prevention and Solutions

You have cleaned your paint brush and roller. The paint crew just left your home. As you do a quick wipe of dust you see it- paint on the floor! What the heck! Paper was used, drop cloths were used- how the heck do I have paint on the floor? As Forest Gump said -“It” happens.

Paint on hardwood floor

More times than not, it happens when for a split second a drop cloth is kicked, moved or slides for a split second- just in time for – spat!!

We understand that is annoying. The last thing you want to do is clean up paint from a floor. The last thing I want to hear as a paint contractor is that “one of your guys got paint on my floor”. Drives me nuts!

Cleaning paint drips from a floor

Lets start easy cleaning the paint form a floor. We will get into how it happens later.

If the paint is still wet or kind of wet- just use a damp rag. If you can do a vinegar and water solution- or hardwood floor cleaner -even better! That will reduce how much water is used on the wood. Just gently wipe it away. This is the biggest reason we tell our painters to have a rag on them at all times (keep it clean!)

If the paint is dry you need to go to plan B. For example, Chad our production manager went to do a walk though on house after 24 hours of us painting. The customer found a few dips on the floor. So- be broke it out…

Best cleaner for removing paint from floor

Latex LIft off! Just a little goes a long way. Wipe gently with micro fibre- don’t use it like sandpaper!! If you follow the directions, it will “lift” right off! No damage to floors.

There is a plan C- super dry paint. It happens to us all the time. We come into a home to paint, start setting up, and we see old paint drips or splatter marks on the floor. Older paint can be more difficult to remove from surfaces. You may have to soak the paint for a time. (sometimes with a finger nail it will just pop off- FYI) We have had to use denatured alcohol before- it is extreme- but it works! Denatured alcohol – if you use it wrong will damage or remove a finish from your floors- so be careful!!

What causes paint splatter?

Here are two images of paint rollers..

Here are some different types of roller sleeves for painting. Each of these paint rollers comes from a different store.

This is not a which type of roller to use- not going there today.

Every paint gives a suggestion on what type of sleeve to use. Paint companies say that for a reason- the right sleeve matters! We are huge users of micro fibre sleeves. The wrong sleeve gives bad results.

For example- Purdy roller sleeves has one called a Marathon. Most contractors like it because it lasts a long time, easy to wash, holds a lot of paint and is cost effective. I however do not like them because I think the splatter.

What is splatter?? When you have paint on a roller, roll it on the wall- some rollers will shed paint in the air as well as on the wall. When the roller is going to the wall surface small- I mean tiny!!! specs of paint can and will release from the roller cover- and they land on your hair, shirt, arms, roller handle, drops or on the floor.

paint splatter

Removing Paint Drips or runs on a wall

Paint can drip on the floor or you. Paint can also fall to the wall, and leave a uneven area, a drip that turns into a run. Nasty little buggers…

painit drip and run

If you see this right away while paint is wet- easy- just roll the wall to remove it.

If the paint is dry. You have to work. You can sand, scrape or cover it with a layer of drywall compound. But lets not get to carried away.

We find sanding a paint drip away from wall to be the best choice.

sanding a paint drip

Once you sand the drip or run from the wall- you will have to repaint the wall- touch up is almost impossible with modern paints.

Other questions on paint drips or runs?

I don’t have anymore- but maybe you do? Let us know! We want to help- so if there is something you want, need, like to ask about painting, paint, paint tools, paint cleanup- let us know!

We are here to help you love the space your in!


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