How much wallpaper to order?
Are you looking into having wallpaper instlaled in your home? Confused and unsure about How much wallpaper to order? As you look at websites, talk to wallpaper sales clerks or online companies, trying to find out how much wallpaper to order- you are still unsure what to do.
As professional wallpaper installers- we have just as much frustration! Website are vague, sales people dont know how to answer simple questions, the reps make you feel stupid, and that is if you can reach anyone!
Well – lets see if we can help you get answers to your questions about how much wallpaper to order. This may seem confusing. It is ok to feel that way. We do do at times
What is a double roll of wallpaper?
Wallpaper is sold in several ways. 1st the most comon is double rolls. A roll of wallpaper is typically sold as a double roll. – I know … already confusing as politics. Why this is done- no clue. Aside form selling more paper.
Each roll of wallpaper on websites, product catalog will be listed as to how much paper comes in a single roll or bolt, and how much comes in a double roll or bolt. This amount can vary SIGNIFICANTLY!! So pay attention to fine print.
In its simpleest terms, a double roll is the lenght of 2 rolls of wallpaper in 1 roll. Even though most websites say price per single roll, you can only buy it in a double roll. So again be aware of the words used, as the cost of wallpaper can be double of what you would expect to spend.
Why is some wallpaper sold in yards?
Again- more confusion. Intended or not- it is. Wallpaper can also be sold by the yard. If wallpaper is sold by the yard, then there is typically a minimun size order. Such as 8 or 15 yards.

There are several styles of wallpaper sold by the yard such as commercial wallpaper and grasscloth wallpaper.
How to estimate how many yards of wallpaper to order
Ordering commercial type II wallpaper, is typically 54 in wide and sold in 30 yard rolls. You will need total wall space in square feet. Take the total amount of wall space and divide by 12.5 and that will give you how many yards to order.
You will need to make sure when you order you want no cut rolls! otherise that can scrap together pieces left over to give you the yards you want- do allow that to happen. – NO SPLIT ROLLS!

If you are ordering yards of a fabric, or grasscloth that is 3–3 in wide and comes by the yard, you need to do a bit more math. For no Patterns-You need to:
- measure total length of all walls that are being covered
- have the width of the paper being used
- divide the width of the walls by the width of the paper
- that number is how many strips you need (KEEP THIS NUMBER) we will say 8
- how tall are your walls? we wil say 8 ft
- if there is no pattern you will need 8- 8 ft strips of paper.
- Now look at your rolls- how long are they? 30 ft? then divide 8 into 30 — that is how many strips per roll you get, in this case 3, so you need to order 3 rolls
What if the paper has a pattern?
- If the paper has a pattern add the length of the pattern to the lnght of the wall. (you have a 8 ft wall, with a 2 ft pattern, the total length of each piece needed is 10ft.
- if the same paper is being used above, then you need 4 rolls of paper
Also- we always add 10% or misc waste.
How many rolls of tradional wallpaper do I need?
Figuring out this is like the yardage for grasscloth above.
We are worling on a app for this but still paying with it..
Remember to measure all walls- ignore windows and doors, as you dont know where the paper will end up, and mor etimes than not, you will get to a door or corner and have to cut a 2 in wide pice, ruining the rest of the sheet- so ignore openings!
Did this help?
Measuring wallpaper takes time- measure twice!!
It can be confusing.. One other thing to keep in mind- the coverage listed on the rolls does not mean that is what you need. The coverage does not take into account pattern repeats or size of thw walls your installing. A 12ft roll on a 8 ft wall means you thow away 30% of the paper!
If you have other questions regarding wallpaper installs let us know..