Well, I hope you’re having a great day- but if you’re here because your wallpaper pattern doesn’t match in a corner then you are probably a bit frustrated right now.
Sometimes there is an easy fix, but as you will see in this post- today it is not.
Why your wallpaper doesn’t match on inside corners
Of course this is a loaded statement. So let’s go over a few reasons your wallpaper isn’t lining up in the corner:
- the inside corner is concaved
- your wall is not square
- there could be a issue where the wall is not plumb/level
- wall repairs may have been made where the wall is bowed out
Each of these issues will cause the wallpaper to react and lay down differently on the inside corners, which if you have a pattern will cause the pattern to not match. You can see the wallpaper installation issue we are having with this install because of the wall not being level or plumb.

Ways you can try to get a wallpaper pattern to match on an inside corner
With inside corners not being level, it makes it tricky to get a wallpaper pattern to match. There are a few different ways to go about this.
- If you have extra wallpaper, you may be able to cut an extra strip so you can add another piece to extend the pattern on one wall so the unevenness is not so noticeable.
- Some wallpaper will stretch – you can try- but if you start stretching, it may not go back to the original size.
- You maybe able to overlap the pattern in excess so it does not match on the top but matches on the bottom- then do a double cut to get the pattern to match, then you have to restart the next panel to match the pattern you just cut. It’s very hard to explain but sometimes it will work.
- Just tell the customers you have crooked walls, and the inside corners are not going to line up. Similar to a cabinet install- there may be a gap and you cannot do much with it with out drawing more attention to the fact it is crooked.
Does that help a little?
We hope so!! When a wallpaper pattern doesn’t match in a corner it is not a fun day. No one likes to see it, but we don’t like to do it either. This was not a huge article it is just a little something to answer questions we are receiving.
Have a wallpaper question for us? Let us know!! maybe we can help and make a video for you that answers that question. Have a great day and God bless!!
Want to learn more about wallpaper installations? Check out our blog or watch this video training that is great. When you want the hands on learning give us call!