Top 5 Problems with Wallpaper Installations

wallpaper being stripped from a bathroom

Top 5 Issues with Wallpaper Installations

One of the most popular things we are asked about is regarding wallpaper. Wallpaper can be an amazing product to use to improve the look and feel of your home. Wallpaper is also the most common sources of pain and frustration. So while we love doing it- it comes with its own Problems. So we are going to go ove the top 5 issues with wallpaper installations. 

We are going to link here the FAQ’s about wallpaper installations as the problems and questions tend to go hand in hand 

Wallpaper problem 1- not having enough wallpaper

If you are installing wallpaper in your home, one of the most common problems is not having enough wallpaper. We have made a recent blog post about this, How Much Wallpaper will I need?

When we arrive at a job site the number one thing we do before starting anything is verifying the wallpaper is on site, that the right wallpaper being installed is one site, and we will re measure and make sure there is enough wallpaper for our installer to do the work. 

If you do not have enough wallpaper orderd you have a few things that can go worng fast:

  • There may not be more of the wallpaper you have in stock to get more
  • the new wallpaper may be a different color than what you have
  • you may have to wait weeks or months to get more of that paper

My wallpaper has defects - problem 2

The box of paper is upacked, you look at it and then you see a cut, a color that is wrong or a mouse in the roll (no joke)

Every piece of paper needs to be looked at initially to make sure it is in good order. Now we are not gonna unroll every roll, usually you can see quick if there will be a isssue. 

Depending on where you bought the wallpaper, will depend on their return policy. We are gonna advise to use a local store such as JC LICHT

Once wallpaper is starting to be instlaled, then you will in most cases be allowed to install 3 panels of wallpaper, to see if there was a issue with color, pattern, or other visible defect. If there is a defect then you need to call the wallpaper maker customer service Immediatley! 


There are no instructions with the Wallpaper- problem 3

This issue happens 50% of the time. When you open the box or package, there are no instrutions or how to install the wallaper. 

When this happnes call the manufacturer. 

The pattern does not line up

Pattern wallpaper has it owne set of issues. The biggest problem is the pattern does not line up. Here are the biggest issues we see as why that happens. 

  • the wall is crooked. 
  • the walls are not plumb or square
  • previous repairs to the walls make the walls have bow in them 
  • the pattern is printed wrong
  • the ink that the paper is on does not expand correctly causing the pattern to not align

Poor quality wallpaper - problem 5

All paper is not created equal! Be careful where you buy wallpaper from.  There is no “standard” in the wallpaper industry in many areas. This means that :

  • the inks used can vary from printer to printer and from county to county
  • the paper that is being used can be changed with no notice
  • the thickness of the paper is not guarnateed 
  • if paper is printed from a home printer or commerical printer the results and qulity can vary 

Do have other questions or concerns?

You can also read abot some other issues with wallaper such as Bubbles in wallpaper

These are just the top issues we come across. There are others, but these are the most common. 




Add a splash of color and style to your walls. Book your paint and wallpaper appointment today!