Wallpaper, Wallpaper, Wallpaper! Is it cooming back, Do people still use Wallpaper, IS wallpaper even a thing? Yes to all. Today we share a a recent installation we Wallpapered Stairwells in Elgin, IL.
Hey Everyone, David With Dfranco Wallpaper, here in Huntley, IL. Today’s post is also in response to a question “Can you install wallpaper in my Stairwell?” Yes we can! It doesn’t have to be just in Elgin, as serve our surrounding areas of Algonquin, St. Charles, Barrington and Schaumburg to name a few.

Where to begin to Wallpaper a stairwell?
For this Wallpaper job in Elgin, the customer made it easy for us. The customer had already removed previous wallpaper from the walls. We had to do some repairs to the old plaster but in general it was pretty easy for us.
The walls were pole sanded, wiped down and then Primed with Roman 977 white primer.
The hardest part is always wallpaper selection. We had our customer go to JC licht in Geneva, and the had Renae help them with their paper selction. Once they selceted the paper we came out to engineeer the walls for how much paper they needed to order
How do I know how much wallpaper to order?
This is a loaded question! Wallpaper is tricky to order as each paper is unique. Each company can print the colors, widths, lenghts, type of materials as they see fit. There are no set standards with wallppaer printing. I call it the WA WA West of paper. Anything goes.
So for us to know how much wallpaper to order, we will measure each wall. We then need the wallpaper information:
- How long is each roll
- the Width of each roll
- If there is a pattern repeat for the wallpaper
- type of paper it is printed on
- special instructions for booking time and adhesive used
- pattern number
With this information, we determine:
- how many strips/panels are needed by the width of the paper.
- based on the height of each panel we determine how long each piece needs to be
- we add for the sixe of the repeat pattern and find how long each panel must be with the over laps for the patterns. A 24 in pattern repeat will in affect means that 24 in of every piece is trash.
- we determine how many panels we can get per roll
- then provide how many rolls you need
How long does it take to install wallpaper in a stairwell?
When we are installing wallpaper in stairwells, the time to install can vary. When we Wallpapered Stairwell in Elgin, The overall time to install depends on the height of the staircase, the dry time of the paper play a roll in the time needed. Additionally if we have to trim the the paper before install, or if we have to allow longer booking times it will affect the time needed to install wallpaper.
In the staircase from the photos in this post, it was 1 man for 2.5 days.
How much will it cost to wallpaper a stairwell?
This is another tricky question as it depends on the paper you select, the prep work needed, and the height of the staircase, to name a few items. In a ideal world, yuo can figure at least $650.00 for a smaller area.
The project above had 8 hours of plaster repairs, we painted trim, ceilings, and primed walls, then installed, and we were over $2,000.00. (plus the cost of the wallpaper)