7 Common problems with Deck Painting and Staining
I hope you are not like me and have a deck from hell. If you are here, then you have a issue- or maybe looking to make sure you wont have a problem with painting or staining your deck. Once summer comes around, home owners want their decks to look nice for relaxing, parties, events and for selling. today we have the 7 Common problems with Deck Painting and Staining.
The top questions we are asked about wood decks are:
- Why is the stain or paint Peeling on my deck
- The color of the deck is awful
- How long will deck stain last
- Do you have to strip the old finish
- Do you power wash decks
So lets dive into these questions and get you some answers from our perspective of a paint contractor and deck owner!
Why is the Paint peeling from our deck!
Peeling paint anywhere from exterior of homes, interior of homes, cars, and decks… is all from the same thing- the paint or stain did not adhere to the surface. Or the paint didn’t stick!

As a paint contractor we stress the importance of prep work. Decks have their own challenges in many ways. Flat surfaces getting beat on by sun, water, feet, grills, chairs and toys! It is a difficult ask to have the surface of a wood deck last with all of these elements.
From a wood deck we see peeling happening from:
- the deck was still wet when it was stained
- old paint was not sanded from the surface
- it was too hot when applied. (full sun)
Now you get to fix it. Fixing other peoples mistakes always takes more time.
Why is my deck stain Chipping away?
Paint that is chipping away or flaking away, can be some of the same issues as when deck stain peels. Usually there are some other factors at play.
Flakes of stain coming off a deck surface happen more times than not with older stain or paint. The previous coating has failed, and the new coating comes off with it.

We do a quick pole sand to remove loose stain or paint. The issue people don’t consider the the movement of exterior wood. The deck has stress of heat/cold, people and age.
As a deck gets hot or cold it will expand or contract. As a deck ages it dries out or cracks. These two facts will cause any coating to fail, as they loose their ability to have something to grip on to.
Think of your grass in the summer when it is really hot. When the dirt gets dry is cracks- so does the grass. Paint is kind of the same theory- it needs something to root into to hold its place.
What color can I stain my deck?
Once you leave the clear stains of decks you start restricting your color selection. Like getting a tan- you cant get a lighter tan- it only builds to get darker (unless you leave the sun and as new skin comes along the tan fades to nothing)
Transparent or semi transparent Stain can only get darker.
Solid stain- you can get more creative with- but you need to strip what loose items there are to make sure the new color sticks.
Here is a article and video about Best deck stains.. and a video as well.
Color charts for decks are available at every home improvement store as well as on line. FYI.. they don’t work for deck stains…
How long will a stained deck last?
LOL – it depends.. I hate that too.. But that is true. If you beat on it- spill all over it, wear it- it wont last long. The materials you use affect the longevity as well
We say 5-7 years is average.
Getting a deck stained
I love the look and feel of a wood deck. They will come with problems and maintenance. Nothing lasts forever. You have to be prepared. These are our 7 Common problems with Deck Painting and Staining, there are others, but these are the questions we are asked.
Make sure the prep is being done, washed, stripped sanded. Get quality products.
The cost of a deck ranges on deck size, but expect at least $2,000.00