So you want to know how much will it cost to wallpaper a room?
If you are considering wallpaper in your home, this is probably the most pressing question you have, besides to cost of the wallpaper itself. We are asked this question as well: “Is wallpaper back almost daily. You can read about “Is Wallpaper Back” here. With all of the wallpapers available to you to install, the last thing you need to stress over is the cost of the wallpaper installation. So, we will try to give you an easy answer to help you with your upcoming wallpaper project.
Wallpaper installation cost depends on the paper and the location
What does location have to do with cost? All of our customers live in the Chicagoland area, but I have to clarify that where you live will also affect the final cost of installation. Customers who live in Downtown Chicago, where we have to worry about parking, parking costs, restrictions on when the work can be done in their building, etc., will have the cost to install affected by those circumstances. Those who live in the suburbs have fewer restrictions on when they can work, and we usually park 50 feet from their front door.
Location also means the room or wall where the wallpaper is installed in the home. Where are you installing wallpaper?
- On an accent wall
- Two story foyer
- Stairwells
- Bathrooms
- Ceilings (read our blog post about that here)
As we ask the question of location, we have to consider two other questions: What special wallpaper tools will be needed in that installation, and how much time will be needed for the installation? Large foyers and ceilings may need scaffolding. Bathrooms with toilets, pedestal sinks, light fixtures, fixed mirrors, and towel holders all mean more time to cut or maneuver wallpaper for the installation process
Other Factors
The other factor is the type of wallpaper you select to install.
- How wide is the wallpaper?
- Does the wallpaper need to be hand-trimmed, or is it factory-trimmed?
- Are there restrictions to the adhesive needed for the wallpaper being selected?
- Is the wallpaper a delicate fabric or material such as silk?
- Does the wallcovering need a lining paper to be installed prior to the wallpaper itself?
There is no way I can identify every scenario of the type of wallpaper and specific installation costs, but I hope by highlighting some of the questions we ask, that you will have a better idea and understanding of what to expect when you consider wallpaper installation for your home.
Now, let’s get to the cost of your wallpaper project!
For those of you who live in the Chicagoland area, you are fortunate to have JC Licht paint and wallpaper stores. These stores have great selections and people to help with the selection process. We preface this because they will help you get the information we need to give you an accurate cost for installing your wallpaper.
- Where is the wallpaper being installed?
- Do you have a wallpaper selected?
- Who is the manufacturer?
- What is the pattern number?
- Has the room been measured already?
- Is there a pattern repeat and has that repeat been calculated into the amount of wallpaper needed?
Without this basic information, we cannot give you an estimate. If you need the room measured, give us a call, and let’s set up a time to do so. Once you have all of this information, you can email, call, or text us with a picture of the rooms being wallpapered, and we can give you a pretty close cost.
What can I expect to pay?
Here are a few past projects and the cost of installing them. The cost includes the walls being sanded, primed, adhesive, and any wall repairs needed prior to install

Now, it is your turn to have the wallpaper you want installed!
Our process is simple.
- Find the wallpaper you want
- Call/text/email us the where and what wallpaper you are installing
- Get a written quote that details what we will do and how much.
- RELAX and get ready to enjoy your transformation!
Book your wallpaper installation estimate now on our website!