Do you like floral wallpaper? If so then todays post on How to install Ellie Cashman wallpaper is for you!
I hope you are doing well today! I am David Cook with D’Franco Painting & Wallpaper, this was a fun job to install. Hope these steps help you in the wallpaper installation if you tackle it yourself, or know what to expect if you have an Ellie Cashman Floral wallpaper installed for you. if you have never seen their wallpaper check out their website: Ellie Cashman wallcoverings
Last week we did a how to measure for this wallpaper, you can re-read it here.
Where to start installing?
As you can see, we started with a blank wall- we did actually prime it this color… in our how to install Ellie Cashman floral wallpaper, this is post 2 in the process of getting a successful wallpaper installation.

After the primer sat overnight, we came ready to hang! With all of our tools we unpacked the wallpaper.

This wallpaper is made, printed and shipped in one roll. It is a little odd, but it is made for your room- so make sure you measured correctly! We made sure there was nothing damaged in the shipping. You get instructions shipped as part of the roll so you do not have to worry about them being missing.
As you will read on the instructions- this is a left to right install, so all you have to do is pick which corner you want to start at!
Once you figure out where you are starting, measure the paper width, take that measurement to the wall and mark it. Once we made our mark on the wall, we turned on the laser level to make sure if we started at our mark there was no gaps. What does that mean- we wanted to make sure the wall was level, other wise the wallpaper may be against the trim or corner at the bottom- but if the wall is not level- you may have a gap where the wall will show through.

Hanging the 1st panel of wallpaper!!
Now we are getting to the fun part of the job! With this wallpaper, we are applying the wallpaper adhesive right to the wall. BE CAREFUL!- don’t get too far ahead of yourself. I will roll the adhesive on 1st, then use the brush to cut in the adhesive – like your painting. Why?? the adhesive you apply with the brush will dry faster than than the adhesive you rolled on the wall.
Each panel (or piece of wallpaper) is numbered. As you unroll them, you will need to roll each piece so that it has the white backing side out- and so that when you unroll it you are starting at the top of the wall and can allow the paper to unroll to the floor without getting paste on the front of the wallpaper.
Beginning on your left, have either the laser or a level to make a line on the wall- your first piece must be straight and level!! This paper does not stretch- so you will have gaps and overlaps if your paper is not level on the wall. Keep in mind there should be about 1 inch on the top and the bottom- make sure you give your self that 1 inch at the top. This will allow for the variance in the the ceiling as it moved up and down- they are never completely straight/level.
Now hang the rest of the room!
Take your time! Install each piece going in numerical order!! Remember that slow is steady and steady is fast.

See the install in a full Youtube video..
you can see the above steps in a video as well as see the install with our time lapse camera- complete with customer reaction!
Your turn!!
Now that we gave you a brief guide on How to install Ellie Cashman floral wallpaper, what is next? How can we help you with your other wallpaper installation and or questions? Let us know how we can help you love the space you’re in!
Fill out our estimate request for a free estimate from the comfort of your home!