Yes, you have read the title correctly-How to use Wallpaper to Decorate Furniture. We often get called with customers that have older pieces of furniture that at first glance are ready for the salvation army truck. Don’t do it!
Wallpaper on furniture? Yes, it is possible! This is one way we can give you a new look. An updated look and feel to a piece of furniture that you thought was old.
So this is would be one way to refinish vs replacing a piece of furniture. Refinishing makes what you have look brand new. The best part is you can pick the colors (s) you want vs picking from what is at the store. New does not mean better. Most older furniture was better designed and better made so keep it.
Do you have any furniture that you think needs to be thrown away? Let’s find a way to save it. Don’t throw it away!
Here is one way:
Upholster a table top instead of refinishing.
Before and After Steps
[ezcol_1half]First, we clean and sand the top of the table. [/ezcol_1half]
[ezcol_1half_end]Second, we primed with a sealer (guardz) to get a solid uniform surface for wall covering.
[ezcol_1half]Third, we added a bonding primer-although sealed, I want to bond the surface and create some tension for the adhesive to stick. Now we rolled out the wall covering to let it relax and air out.
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Fourth, we applied a coat of adhesive then added a bonding primer-although sealed, I wanted to give a primer that would really bond to the surface and create some tension for the adhesive to stick.[/ezcol_1half_end]
Fifth, we applied adhesive to the top of the table top being careful to not get glue on us, walls or anywhere else the wall covering was placed on top of the table. For no wrinkles out and then used smoothing tool to get it flat.
[ezcol_1half]Getting a razor blade out the big excess pieces were removed from the edges, then with a trimming blade, the razor was guided slowly along the table edge and top to get a straight edge.
[ezcol_1half_end]After the trimming the edges were peeled back an inch or so and a heavy duty adhesive was added to the edges to make sure they don’t peel up.
Finally, we wiped everything clean with water and towel dried everything.
This one was covered in an industrial wallpaper lined with leather on top. Holds up better, seamless, easier to remove if needed.
So now that you have seen this idea, what else can we help you with? Send us a text of a piece you have to see what we can do. Maybe just paint it?
We are here to help you love the house you live in!
Check out some other ways:
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