Do you know what digital wallpaper is? Did you know there was such a thing? (You may be asking who cares!)
As a company that installs all types of wallpaper, digital is a huge buzz word in wallpaper. Most people still think of wallpaper as something that goes on a computer screen. If you are a fan of murals or if you like personalized decorations, then installing digitally printed wallpaper in your home or business is something you may want to look into!
What is digitally printed wallpaper?
A quick answer is something akin to Fatheads- if you recall them from a few years ago. This company pretty much stole the ability for us to paint sports murals on walls of peoples homes as these digitally printed graphics were very inexpensive to install.
The basic premise is that print companies can now take images, patterns, colors, or text to make a large scale completely custom wallpaper that you can have installed in your home, office or business location.
digitally printed wallpaper graphics in a theatre
digitally printed wallpaper in a elevator lobby. These customized wallpapers can then be printed to fit the size of any wall, ceilings, windows, or as you see on the road- billboards!
Not only can the size be adjusted to whatever size you want but the look and feel of the graphic can be customized as well!
- Ultra smooth surface
- Shiny
- Dull
- Light texture
- Heavy texture
- Paper
- Vinyl
It is great!! You pick it, then call us cause we can stick it!!
How expensive is digitally printed wallpaper?
I would love to tell you it will cost you “X” per square foot, but I cannot. There are so many variables that I could not even take a guess.
What I can tell you is that we had one printed for us, it was 8×10, color on a thin vinyl textured material, and it was under $800.00.
There are many companies out there such as Murals your way that make the shopping experience easy and pain free. They even offer the resources to find a wallpaper installer in your area! (Yes we are on that list)
Where can they be installed?
The beauty of these printed materials is that they are diverse not just in what you want but where you want them:

Here is a video of one that tells a story of a hospital.
What are the drawbacks of digitally printed wallpaper?
There are always disadvantages in any product or thing you want. Wallpaper is no exception. This is the short list of the most common issues:
- Cost. We touched on this above, this can be affordable, but that does depend on your budget
- Installation. These are one of those products you don’t want to mess around with if you don’t know what your doing. There are special tools that help with installation, however, you need to know how to handle them, type of adhesive and if the pattern doesn’t line up- how to blend them together.
- Location of where it is being installed. Most of these types of materials will require a wall that has been completed to a level 5 finish. That means ultra flat and smooth.
Are you ready to have your very own custom wallpaper made and installed just for you?
Then aside from the resources above, give us a call so we can help you with this project and we can help you love the space you’re in! Call, text or email – we are here to help.