Do you have cherry cabinets? Do you hate the look or feel of them? Have you ever thought about painting over those cherry cabinets?
If you are like many of our customers, the kitchen is the number one place for you and your family to hang out. Like most of our customers, the kitchen gets the most attention. This attention is from you, your family, and your friends when they come over. But like so many people, the thought of replacing the kitchen cabinets is too overwhelming and too expensive. So- have you considered painting over your cherry cabinets?
If you have seen other posts and YouTube videos we have posted, you will see how we are transforming kitchens, changing how you feel about your home, so you can love the space you’re in!
If you are selling a home, the kitchen is the number one place people consider when buying a home, so it may help you get more money from the sale with a updated kitchen.
Our Step by Step Process for Painting Over Cherry Cabinets:

Painting Cherry Cabinets
If you don’t like the color or the feel of the kitchen -good!! Because we will help you make the change you want.
Painting over cherry cabinets is a relatively painless process and we guide you all the way through it. I’ve painted the wooden cabinets in my own home so I know stressful how it sounds. For the past 10+ years, we have refined our cabinet painting process, found the best materials and have the needed experience to make this remodeling easy for you.
1. Prep Work
We start with the cabinet painting prep work by covering floors and countertops.

Covering the floors and counters makes sure that no dust, debris, cleaners, dirty residue from the cleaning and or painting process gets on your floors or counters.
- For the counter tops we use a self-stick film as it is waterproof
- The floors get covered with a builders grade paper that is laid down, then taped to the floor surface so no paint or dust gets on the floor.
- The walls and ceilings will get masked with a combination of plastic and paper to make sure we are not painting your walls.
- Then the insides of the cabinets will get masked to prevent any dirt, overspray etc. from getting in the cabinets and on your dishes.

2. Clean Everything in the Kitchen! Prime. Paint.
We use Dawn, TSP, sandpaper, degreaser and denatured alcohol for the cabinet cleaning process.
- Once everything is removed, we start cleaning.
- Heavy grease or oil actually comes off with diluted dawn dish soap.
- We also may need TSP to clean as well, it just depends on the level of dirt or contamination.
- Wet sanding is our preferred method as there is no dust.
- Once cleaning is done, wipe with a clean rag and denatured alcohol to remove any residue left.
- Then, we wait for it to dry.
- After allowing it to dry we prime with a coat of Stix primer, wait for it to dry, then scuff sand each piece before we prime it a second time.
- For the primer, we usually allow it to dry overnight, then give it the final paint, Sherwood or ChemAqua.

3. Spraying Cabinet Doors.
All the kitchen cabinet doors and drawers are taken off-site to our shop where we have a spray booth. We repeat the same process of cleaning them, sanding them degreasing- denatured alcohol as we did with the cabinet boxes.
We actually hang the doors when we spray on end so we can be sure to get all sides at once, helping speed the application process. Here is a video of some spraying while hanging..
Once all the doors are painted, they are allowed to dry overnight then we load them up and bring them back to your home.

There you have it…a brand new kitchen! Check out this painting cherry cabinets video!
Call us at (847) 349-4112 with your questions and schedule an estimate on painting your kitchen cabinets! We are here to help you love the house you live in.