Wallpaper Removal

One of the most common things we are asked to do before we paint is to strip wallpaper. Stripping wallpaper is not the funnest task in the world. It is messy, time-consuming and depending on the type of wallpaper-it is a pain in the butt! There are so many types of wallpaper and products to use to strip it from your walls, we thought we would save you some money. If you have to remove it yourself, peel off the top layer first. You can now go back with a sponge and HOT water to remove the backing. Finally with a scraper, sponge and hot water you need to wash and scrape all of the glue from the wall. Once it is dry you can prime the wall (don’t use the cheap stuff). We wear rubber gloves because it is a sticky, gooey, slimy job.

Now that you are ready to paint, what will you do? Traditional painting? Faux finishes? We duplicate the feel of different wallpaper designs by our faux finishes. Using different textures, mediums, stencils, plasters, and glazes we can make a custom design that is all yours. There won’t be any single job out there like it.

So, what are you waiting for? Call D’franco Painting & Wallpaper for your free estimate today and leave the mess to us!


Add a splash of color and style to your walls. Book your paint and wallpaper appointment today!