Wallpaper Vs Paint: Your Ultimate Guide

wallpaper versus paint

Planning to refresh your home’s look? The choice and /or wallpaper and paint is tricky, especially if you’re thinking of investing in professional house painting or residential wallpaper installation. This decision shapes the look and feel of your space in big ways. I hope we can shed some light on this topic for you based on our experience as painters and wallpaper installers. We will share the pros and cons of both options, and get tips on durability, budget, and even eco-friendliness. So if you’re on the fence about wallpaper versus paint, lets see if we can help! .

The Case for Wallpaper in your home or business

Why wallpaper? First off, the design options are nearly endless. Whether you’re a fan of florals, geometric shapes, or even custom artwork, there’s a wallpaper out there for you. The variety of patterns, colors, and textures can set the mood and theme of a room in an instant.

Another big plus is the depth it can add. Unlike paint, some wallpapers come with textured designs. This texture creates layers of depth that can make a room feel more spacious and luxurious. If you’re looking to add some personality and flair to your living space, wallpaper has got you covered.

High-quality wallpaper is also a durable choice. Some modern wallpapers are designed to be scratch-resistant and easy to clean. That means your stylish walls can look new for years, even in homes with kids or pets. Commercial wallpaper is meant to last for 10-20 years! (go to a doctors office and you will see what 20 year old wallpaper looks like lol)

Lastly, wallpapers can serve more than just a decorative purpose. Some come with added features like soundproofing or thermal insulation, making your home not just beautiful, but also more functional.

The Case for Paint in your home and business

So, why should you choose paint? One word: versatility. Paint offers a rainbow of color options and a variety of finishes, like flat, matte, semi-gloss, and high-gloss. This means you get to be the master of your space, choosing a vibe that matches your personal style. Whether you’re after a soft pastel bedroom or a vibrant living room, paint allows you the freedom to make it happen.

Paint excels in creating a clean, cohesive look. It’s ideal for minimalists who love open, uncluttered spaces. Without patterns or textures to break it up, a painted wall offers a smooth backdrop. This makes it easier to plan decor and furniture around, essentially turning your room into a blank canvas to fill as you please.

Ease of application is another big win for paint. Unlike wallpaper, which can be tricky to align and adhere, paint is pretty straightforward. All you need are some basic tools and perhaps a weekend to transform your space. And if you ever make a mistake? Just paint over it!

When it comes to your budget, paint usually wins. The upfront costs for paint and supplies are generally lower than those for wallpaper and installation. Plus, if you’re a DIY person, you can save even more by painting the walls yourself.

Comparing Durability and Maintenance

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of long-term care: durability and maintenance. Both wallpaper and paint have strong points and weak points. Knowing what to expect can help you make a choice that suits your lifestyle.


A high-quality wallpaper can be like that durable toy you had as a kid—it can last for years, or even decades! However, durability is often linked to quality, so be prepared to invest a little more for a wallpaper that goes the distance.

But what about upkeep? Wallpaper, especially the textured or patterned kinds, can be a challenge to clean. Think about it: spilled spaghetti sauce or crayon marks from a toddler can turn into a major cleaning project. You can’t simply wipe it off or touch it up with a dab of more wallpaper.

Moreover, if it gets torn or starts peeling, you’re looking at some detailed repair work or a full replacement of the damaged section. So, while it has a long life, it does require careful handling.


One of the big pros of paint is how easy it is to maintain. Got a scuff or a stain? A simple touch-up can make it look brand new. Paint is forgiving like that; you can clean it easily and even scrub it if you opted for a washable finish.

However, paint isn’t a forever solution. In high-traffic areas like hallways or kitchens, you might notice wear and tear sooner than you’d like. The color can fade, and scratches or dings can appear, which means you might be repainting every few years.

In essence, paint offers the ease of maintenance but may demand more frequent updates, especially in busy parts of your home.

By knowing what to expect in terms of durability and maintenance from wallpaper versus paint, you can make a more informed decision. Whether you prioritize longevity or easy upkeep can help tip the scales in favor of one option over the other.

Wallpaper Versus Paint: Cost Considerations

When it comes to home decor, your budget plays a big role. It’s like shopping for a car; you have to think about both the initial price and the long-term costs. Let’s break down the budget factors for wallpaper versus paint to help you decide.


Starting with wallpaper, the initial costs can be higher. Why? Well, quality wallpaper comes with a price tag. Add in the cost of professional residential wallpaper installation, and you’re looking at a more significant upfront investment. However, there’s a silver lining. Good-quality wallpaper can last a long time—years, even decades! So, when you spread the cost over its lifespan, it might not seem that pricey after all.

But don’t forget, if your wallpaper needs repairs or if you want to change the design down the road, it could add to your long-term costs.


On the flip side, paint is generally easier on the wallet initially. You can even make it a DIY project to save on labor costs. Paint, brushes, and rollers don’t usually break the bank. But here’s the catch: you might find yourself repainting more often than you’d replace wallpaper, especially in areas that get a lot of action like kitchens and hallways. That means buying new paint and spending time or money on the application. So, while it’s cheaper upfront, the long-term costs can add up if you find yourself redoing it every few years.

In summary, wallpaper might have a higher initial cost but offers durability, while paint is more budget-friendly at first but may require more upkeep and reapplications. So, think about both your short-term and long-term budget when making your choice between wallpaper versus paint. It’s all about finding a balance that works for you and your wallet.

Which Looks Better for Your Space?

The way a room looks and feels can really affect your mood. That’s why the visual impact of wallpaper versus paint is super important. Let’s dig a little deeper into how each one shapes the atmosphere of a room.


Wallpaper has the power to take you places—whether it’s a cozy country cottage or a sleek, modern loft. With the variety of patterns, textures, and colors available, wallpaper creates a distinct mood right away. Want to make a room feel bigger? Choose a wallpaper with vertical stripes. Want to add a sense of luxury? Go for a textured wallpaper, like one with velvet or silk elements.

Wallpaper allows for bold, unique design choices. You can pick a detailed mural for an accent wall, or opt for a subtle pattern that adds depth and texture without overpowering the room. So, if you’re all about making a strong design statement, wallpaper is your friend.


If wallpaper is like a bold fashion statement, then paint is the classic little black dress—elegant, timeless, and always in style. Paint offers a more subdued beauty that complements other design elements in the room. You have a wide array of color options, from muted pastels to vibrant shades. You also get to pick the finish, whether you like it matte, semi-gloss, or high-gloss.

One of the best things about paint is its ability to create a cohesive, harmonious look. You can easily match the wall color with your furniture, curtains, and other decor. Plus, paint allows you to experiment with techniques like color blocking or faux finishes for added visual interest.

At the end of the day, your choice between wallpaper versus paint boils down to your personal design style. Either way, both options offer their own unique aesthetic perks. It’s all about what speaks to you!

Wallpaper Versus Paint: Practicality and Room Usage

It’s not just about looks; you also have to think about where and how you’ll be using either wallpaper or paint. Every room in your home serves a purpose and has its own set of challenges. Here’s what to consider:


Wallpaper brings a lot of style to a room, but it’s not ideal for every space. Take bathrooms, for example. They get steamy and damp, which isn’t great for wallpaper. It can start to peel over time in humid conditions. Similarly, you might want to think twice about using wallpaper in a kitchen where it could be exposed to grease and food splatters.

However, wallpaper shines in living rooms, bedrooms, and dining areas—basically, spaces where you want to create a unique atmosphere. It’s also a good fit for low-traffic areas like a guest room or study, where it won’t suffer much wear and tear.


On the other hand, paint is pretty versatile. It can go just about anywhere, from your living room to your bathroom. Paint is especially useful in high-traffic areas like hallways and staircases. Why? Because it’s easy to clean and touch up. You can simply wipe down scuffs or marks. If you need to, you can even do a quick repaint of a section without much hassle.

In places prone to moisture like bathrooms or basements, you can choose specialized paints that resist mold and mildew. And let’s not forget kitchens; a semi-gloss or high-gloss paint finish is easy to clean, making it a smart choice for walls that might get a bit greasy or splattered.

So, when you’re picking between wallpaper versus paint, think about the room’s purpose and what you’ll be doing there. Is it a busy area? Is it damp? Answering these questions will help you make a choice that’s not just pretty, but also practical.

Sustainability and Environmental Factors

Going green is more than just a trend; it’s a responsibility we all share. When you’re deciding between wallpaper versus paint, you can also consider their impact on the environment. Let’s break it down:


Many brands offer wallpaper made from recycled or renewable resources. You can even find options that use water-based inks and adhesives. But, remember to do your homework. Check out the brand’s practices and how they source their materials.

Disposal is another thing to think about. Some wallpapers can be recycled, but others can’t. Again, this depends on the materials used and whether they include any non-recyclable components like certain adhesives or finishes.


As for paint, there are eco-friendly choices too. Low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and zero-VOC paints are better for both your health and the planet. VOCs are chemicals that can pollute the air inside your home. They’re also not great for the environment. So, look for paints labeled as low-VOC or zero-VOC for a greener choice.

When it’s time to get rid of leftover paint, don’t just toss it in the trash. Many local recycling programs accept paint. Some even take it for free and recycle it into new paint or use it for waste energy. If you live in Elgin, IL, you can easily dispose of leftover paint through the At Your Door service.

So, whether you’re leaning towards wallpaper or paint, you have green options. Just be sure to read labels, ask questions, and think about the long-term effects. Making an eco-friendly choice doesn’t just help you; it helps our planet too.


In the end, choosing between wallpaper versus paint is all about what fits you best. No matter your choice, it will shape the look and feel of your space for years to come. Consider what you like, weigh the costs, and think about how the room will be used. Taking these factors into account will help you make a decision that suits both your style and practical needs.

Need more help? Reach out to D’Franco Painting & Wallpaper for a free consultation. Call us at (847) 349-4112 today and we’ll help you explore your options to find the perfect match for your space.


Add a splash of color and style to your walls. Book your paint and wallpaper appointment today!