Every person who is in the trades and works with their hands loves their tools. Wallpaper installers are no different! So, what are some basic wallpaper tools? Keep reading!
Hello everyone! David Cook, from D’franco Painting & Wallpaper, with another blog post on wallpaper. Today we talk about basic wallpaper tools.
Tools are the lifeline for proper wallpaper installations. There are different makers of the tools here in this post and different styles not pictured here. Two places you can get some pretty cool tools:
Onto the tools! Here is a picture of my basic tool belt:

- Paint Roller Frame– you will need this in order to apply adhesive to either the wall or the wallpaper
- Sea sponge– there are many types of sponges to use, and several variations of these sponges. The natural sea sponge is my preference. I think it cleans better, holds moisture better and will last loger out of the water to clean adhesive from the wall, paper, tools, or hands.
- Microfiber cloth– i use these to just be able to wipe the excess water from the paper or work surfaces
- tool belt- i use this to carry these basic tools- it is easy cause everything is in one spot
- Eunice tool- straight edges to get paper along the edge, cut with, etc
- Measuring tape– measure the wallpaper pieces, the wall, layout etc
- Laser level- you can use a regular level as well. I find this to be easy- and quick to use.
- Spackle– this is just one type- no wrong or right type- just something to fill in nail holes, small cracks etc.
- Screwdriver– you need something to take the wallplates off the walls
- Razor blades– there are several types of these as well as snap off blades- This by far one of the most important things to have- plenty of new- sharp blades so you can trim, cut, wrap wallpaper.
- Smoothing tool– these come by a few hundred type- soft, hard, medium, rubber, plastic, degrees of stiffness, with or without fabric edges, leather bound, and the list goes one- not to even mention the colors or the width.
- Sweep- as it sounds it is a bristle brush that you sweep across the surface to get the paper to adhere to the wall.
There are a few other tools you will have to add in some way or another, one being a wallpaper table. Here is a video on the one we have:
And that is it! Simple post today and to the point to get you up and going.
If you have questions or want to learn about wallpaper installation, give us a call, and we will see how we can help!