What to do with a mirrored wall in your home.

Do you have a mirror on a wall or ceiling in your home? Do you know what to do with that mirrored wall?

Aside from tearing it out, I had no idea either until 3 weeks ago. We had a customer that hated it, but without ripping apart the wall, what were the options? I am David Cook of D’franco Painting & Wallpaper, and we are glad you are here to ask this question!

Ways to hide mirror walls

I did a google search on this myself and found some interesting ways a mirror can be used. Here is one of the articles I found:

7 Stylish Ways to Work With a Mirrored Wall 

They had some interesting ideas, but they never mentioned putting wallpaper over a mirror!

Removal of a mirror from a wall or ceiling

If you have ever done or been around remodeling a home, there always seems to be a room with a mirror stuck to the wall. I did not have any images of this to show you, but if you close your eyes- and think of this image:

  • A mirror is glued with high bond adhesive to a wall
  • It is pressed in place so it sticks to the wall
  • The glue dries hard as a rock to the wall
  • When you try to remove hard glue (like paneling) it rips the wall off as the mirror breaks into pieces

Well, now what? Now you have broken mirror all over the place, and a wall that looks like a war zone. The wall needs to be scraped, cleaned, then repaired. Not fun.

what to do with mirrored wall

Wallpaper over a mirror!

I honestly never thought about it until a customer asked me if it can be done. So after a few seconds, we have installed wallpaper on glass. There isn’t a difference, so I said YES!

So we took to the prep work.

  • We cleaned the mirror.
  • We primed the mirror with Roman Pro 935 adhesive promoting primer.
    • Here is a video of primer:

Wallpaper installation on a mirror

The prep work really was simple, but that is where most mistakes take place!

After the primer was allowed to dry overnight, we measured the wallpaper and cut into pieces for each section

The wallpaper was then rolled with adhesive and allow to book (set for 3-5 min). Once our timer went off we applied to to the mirror like any other surface. The slight difference- the primer is sticky like masking tape- so you have to really place it well or you have a mess.

We then trimmed the pieces as needed and KABAM! The mirror ceiling looked great. No mess, easy and cheaper than demolition.

Do you need a mirror to be Wallpapered?

Then text, call or email us right now! send us a pic and we can help you get rid of the mirror you don’t want!


Add a splash of color and style to your walls. Book your paint and wallpaper appointment today!