What to Do with Plaster Gone Bad

We just got a call from a customer to help with their painting and Faux finishing. When we arrived at their home we found a kitchen that had cost more that both of my cars together. It was beyond stunning. The walls however needed help. Colors were off, there was standard drywall, stucco, and some type of broken/rough plaster scattered throughout the room. In trying to save money, we painted everything one color and are glazing it with a 2 tone color wash to pick up the colors from the wood cabinets and the granite counter. What was thrown together is now actually appearing to have been planned!With the cabinets a wormy chestnut the rough plaster and stucco actually look very well together-I never would have though of that.

We next get to fix some foundation cracks, paint bedroom closet doors, paint a family room, paint 2 kids bedrooms, then figure out what type of murals we will paint in the rooms for the kids. Fun job, great people to work with.


Add a splash of color and style to your walls. Book your paint and wallpaper appointment today!