How do you use wallpaper? Have you ever thought of using wallpaper as an accent wall?
Many people have negative thoughts about wallpaper.
There are many ways of decorating your home. You can use pictures or paint. You should be using wallpaper.
Here is one picture of an office before and after of a small wallpaper mural. In case you need a designer call Contrast Design Group. That is who we installed this for. We installed this as an accent panel. This is a wallcovering called Ellie. Check out the video we did!

Sometimes a wallpaper accent wall can be a stairwell. This was a wallpaper that actually had a Venetian plaster installed on it! very cool to work with. The paper was from Assemblage. See how installing the wallpaper happened.

Here are two more images that are in other rooms of the same home. A nice way to give some highlights to your house.

Finally, here is an accent wall in an office, a little different. The wall had a fireplace in the middle. There were some pretty heavy bookcases on each side and then there were small bump outs that make wrapping a bit tricky. This wallcovering was BZ from DL couch.
Here is our video of the work after complete

Now you can see what a wallpaper feature wall can do. It can accent a full wall or a small area. Using wallpaper as an accent wall can be a great way to showcase parts of your home.
As you see some creative ways to create an accent wall in a home and office, what do you think?
How can we help you with your next wallpaper installation? Give us a call and we can find out to help you love the house you live in.