There are many ways you can use wallpaper for your dining room walls!
Sounds easy for me to say right? You’re right. I am David Cook, owner here at D’franco Painting & Wallpaper. Next to powder rooms, wallpaper for dining room walls are the next most popular room in the house for wallpaper (from our installers). So let’s take a look at some ways you can use wallpaper in your dining room.
What to consider before installing wallpaper in any room
You may have already visited your local retailer for wallpaper such as a JC Licht / Benjamin Moore store. In the Chicago area, we are very lucky to have JC Licht stores and their designer help to select not only wallpaper but paint colors.
Now that you are looking around at your room- are you only doing wallpaper? Why?:
- Are you changing lights? If so, before you paint is the time to do so.
- Do you want anything painted? Paint before you paper, you can select wall color from the wallpaper you select
- What about the flooring? If you are changing the floors, do so before paint and paper. You can do so after, but it easier to paint when everything when everything is ready than repair later.
These 3 items may seem like no brainers, but they are the questions we are asked frequently.
Wallpapering above a chair rail
There are many homes that have chair rails or wainscoting. In these rooms, we most often are called to paint the chair rail, wainscoting and trim before we install wallpaper. Above the chair rail can really set the room apart from the rest of the house! Here are the last two dining rooms we have installed wallpaper.

Whole room Wallpaper installation
We do not get calls for this type of installations often, but they do happen. Installing wallpaper on the ceiling and walls can be tricky, especially when there is a pattern involved. One of the best installers for this, that I have learned from is Steven Kaye, of PaperCraft Interiors. Steven has won several National awards for his ability to make patterns seem flawless as they are installed in multiple angles and areas of a room.

(none of the above were installed by Steven- these are our installations)
You can see how the patterns, and the different angles of a bathroom can make things “tricky” to make it flow, but very possible to have done.
Using different wallpaper above and below a chair rail
This application does not happen often in homes, it usually is requested by commercial locations. It is a nice look, even just going below a chair rail will make a room stand out.

We have done some posts in the past about the durability of commercial wallpaper. You can read here: commercial wallpaper in your home or business
What is the cost for installing wallpaper in my dining room?
As you can imagine, there area few factors when giving you an estimate or cost. I will make a few assumptions and get you something to go off of. If we are installing a wallpaper in the whole room- walls only- no wall repairs, no painting, you can expect a estimate of at least 560.00. It could be less- but it could be a bit more. I would love to hear how we can help you with your wallpaper installation with a free estimate. Just give us a text, a call or follow the prompt for an email as well!
We look forward to helping you love the space you’re in.