Installing a wallpaper mural for your office

What do the walls at your office look like? Most likely you have paint. Boring! How about installing a wallpaper mural for your office?

The best part about wallpaper murals is that you can have them designed for almost any location you want. You can design wallpaper murals from photographs, clip art, custom designs, or word art, or pick one from thousands of pre-designed websites like

Installing a wallpaper mural, however, is a whole different subject. So, let’s explore how to install a wallpaper mural for your office.

wallpaper map mural - wallpaper installation

Here is a wallpaper map mural.

Where can you find a wallpaper mural installer?

This should be the 2nd decision you make! The 1st is where you want it, or what you want to be installed. Once you decide on the what, the who is almost more important. Wallpaper installers are booked for 2-4 weeks! There is a shortage of wallpaper installers nationwide (A great opportunity if you are looking for a career. We are always looking for wallpaper installers!).

Some of the websites that sell wallpaper murals will have a list of installers by way of the Locate an Installer section of the Wallcovering Installers Association.

Your local paint stores and paint contractors will usually have a list of people they can also refer you to. DO NOT wait until you have the wallpaper before you start looking for someone to hire to install the wallpaper.

Inspecting your wallpaper mural before you begin to install it on your walls

This may seem straightforward enough, but it happens more often than it should: a mural is unpackaged and put on a wall only to find it doesn’t fit or is defective.

image of wallpaper layout

Here is an image of the wallpaper layout.

Here is a quick video on our last install on a few things we looked for and had to call the designer to clarify before we installed.

For a quick punch list…

  • Make sure the walls are clean, dry, solid, have no holes, and have been primed.
  • Open the box or package carefully. You don’t know how it is wrapped, so be careful because some are easily scratched.
  • Look at the packing list to find the design and measurements. Do they match the wall you are installing the wallpaper on?
  • Look at the wallpaper mural. Are there any marks, scratches, or print errors?
  • Compare the wallpaper design sheet to the wall and then to the wallpaper mural. They should all be the same/have the same information.
  • If there are any variations, STOP!!! You will not get a refund if you start to install and there is an error in it.
  • Double-measure the wall to make sure you have enough height and width to install the wallpaper mural.
  • Make sure you have the right adhesive!

Where to Begin Installing Your Mural

Sometimes, there is no right or wrong way to begin, as far as location is concerned. Last week, we were instructed to start in the middle of the wall. Due to the layout, the letters had to be 2 inches above the door frame and 4 inches below the drop ceiling. With that information, we started to install so that all the letters were at the correct height on the rest of the wall.

installing wallpaper mural - inspect walls before installing

Inspect your walls before the installation begins.

I start on my left and work left to right. I do this because I am right-handed, and it is easier for me to make double cuts and trim the wallpaper with my right hand than my left. So, I make sure that is also the direction I move in.

panel one of a Chicago wallpaper mural

Panel one of a Chicago wallpaper mural.

Chicago Map Wallpaper Mural

Chicago Map Wallpaper Mural

Self-stick or peel-and-stick murals

Up until now, I was assuming you were installing a wallpaper mural that must be glued or adhesively applied to either the wall or to the back of the wallpaper. I thought I should mention that peel-and-stick murals are a completely different type of installation. Make sure what kind you bought prior to the purchase. You can see a peel-and-stick install we did some time ago here.

Just a quick word on the peel-and-stick or self-stick murals… Make sure you are buying these from a reputable source. If you are paying the lowest amount you can find, there are REASONS for that. Don’t fall for it. It is not the right choice and will guarantee failure somewhere.

Let’s get a mural for you!

It’s not that hard to find one, have one made, or find someone to install it for you. So give us a call if you need help! Let us help you love the space you’re in with a fun and conversation-inspiring mural in your home office, work location, kids room, village offices, school, and maybe even your church!

Can’t wait to see what you come up with! Tag us on our Facebook to show us, too, @DfrancoFinishes

How to patch wallpaper around a new light fixture.

Do you like remodeling and changing out light fixtures? Me too! But if you have wallpaper behind the light fixtures, you will have to patch around the new lights.

Today I am helping you with this problem or at least help you know what you are in store for if you call a professional wallpaper installer to make these repairs. How to patch wallpaper around a new light fixture can be tricky, but it is worth the effort to make your walls look seamless. If you hate reading how to’s, then scroll to the bottom to see the video we made on making a repair like this.

Why is there no wallpaper behind my light fixture?

I cannot give you a great answer for that. Is this photo familiar?

How to patch wallpaper around a new light fixture
Here is a picture of the old wall as it was installed around a round light. The new square light fixture is off so we can patch in new wallpaper.

There are a few reasons why this happens:

  • If this was a union job, a wallpaper installer cannot remove a light fixture…period.
  • Someone did not want to remove the light fixture before installing wallpaper.
  • The installer did not know how to remove the light fixture.
  • They didn’t care to try.

In any case, you are now stuck with making the repair. We are going to assume you have the same wallpaper that was used to install the first time.

Where to begin making a wallpaper patch?

As we have already stated, we are assuming a few things:

  • The wallpaper used on the wall that needs to be repaired is on site or available.
  • Someone will remove the light fixture and the mounting bracket.
  • You have experience with working with wallpaper.

Tools you will need:

  • scissors
  • tape measure
  • masking tape
  • wallpaper adhesive
  • clean water
  • sponge to clean with
  • snap off type razor knife
  • straight edge

In the above photo, we started the process

  • turn off power to the light fixture
  • remove any cover, shades or vanity type accessories that are on the light fixutres
  • take the light bulb out of the light and set it aside
  • using a screwdriver or your fingers, remove the light fixture from the wall
  • unscrew the mounting bracket from the wall if there is one

Cut a piece of wallpaper for the area needing to be patched.

Look at the area needing to be repaired. You will need to measure, cut, test, then place to the wall. Easy, right? Okay, here is the play-by-play.

  • Measure the area you need to repair. Cut a piece of new wallpaper at least 1 1/2 inches wider than the area needing to be repaired as seen here:
test hang of wallpaper patch
Test hang of wallpaper patch.
  • This piece of wallpaper has been mounted to the wall with a piece of painters tape so that we know it is larger than the hole we have to repair.
  • If the wallpaper piece you cut is large enough to fit over the area, remove it from the wall.
  • Apply wallpaper adhesive to the wallpaper patch.
  • Then, take the wallpaper patch and apply it to the wall. Make sure you have enough space around the area you need to repair. You should have about 1 to 1 1/2 inches of excess wallpaper, and it should look like this:
wallpaper patch glued to wall
Wallpaper patch glued to wall.
  • Go get that painters tape and tape the edges to the wall all the way around. Secure it to the wall! Like so…
secure the wallpaper patch for a double cut
Secure the wallpaper patch for a double cut.
  • In your tools, you need a straight edge. Hold the straight edge to the wall, and use your razor to cut through the tape and both pieces of wallpaper like this:
double cutting a wallpaper patch
Double cutting a wallpaper patch.
  • After you have cut the wallpaper patch, you can put the straight edge down and the razor down. Then, remove the tape from the patch and the wall. It will look like the above photo except this time, it is a perfect splice of new wallpaper to fit in to the new hole you have made.
remove masking tape
Here we are removing the masking tape after we have double cut the new wallpaper patch through the existing wallpaper.
splicing it into the existing wallpaper
All cut out and ready to patch! Splicing it into the existing wallpaper.
  • It is now time that you pull the patch from the wall and set it aside (glued side up). Also, we can remove the old wallpaper piece.
cut away old wallpaper
Cut away the old wallpaper.
  • Are you ready to see how well you did? Place that patch onto the area where you just removed the wallpaper. Again, it will look like this:
wallpaper patch to the wall
The wallpaper patch to the wall.
  • Use a sponge to squeeze excess glue and to smooth the wallpaper to the wall and wipe away excess glue.
clean wallpaper adhesive from the wall
Clean the wallpaper adhesive from the wall.
  • Take a step back. How does it look? You will see lines. There is nothing you can do about that. However, I am sure it looks much better than the hole you saw before starting.
wallpaper patch
Wallpaper Patch

How does your wallpaper patch look?

I hope it looks great! We would love to see how you did. Let us know if this helped you out! As promised at the start, we did a video of ourselves doing this as well.

Here is a video of repairing wallpaper around a new light fixture:

Now you know How to patch wallpaper around a new light fixture! How else can we help you with your wallpaper installation, repairs, or removal? Let us know how we can help you love the space you’re in!

What are some basic wallpaper tools?

Every person who is in the trades and works with their hands loves their tools. Wallpaper installers are no different! So, what are some basic wallpaper tools? Keep reading!

Hello everyone! David Cook, from D’franco Painting & Wallpaper, with another blog post on wallpaper. Today we talk about basic wallpaper tools.

Tools are the lifeline for proper wallpaper installations. There are different makers of the tools here in this post and different styles not pictured here.  Two places you can get some pretty cool tools:

The Paint Store Online

Steve Bogges Wallpaper Store

Onto the tools! Here is a picture of my basic tool belt:

Here is a glimpse of the tools I use in my tool bag.
  1. Paint Roller Frame– you will need this in order to apply adhesive to either the wall or the wallpaper
  2. Sea sponge– there are many types of sponges to use, and several variations of these sponges.  The natural sea sponge is my preference.  I think it cleans better, holds moisture better and will last loger out of the water to clean adhesive from the wall, paper, tools, or hands.
  3. Microfiber cloth– i use these to just be able to wipe the excess water from the paper or work surfaces
  4. tool belt- i use this to carry these basic tools- it is easy cause everything is in one spot
  5.  Eunice tool- straight edges to get paper along the edge, cut with, etc
  6. Measuring tape– measure the wallpaper pieces, the wall, layout etc
  7. Laser level- you can use a regular level as well. I find this to be easy- and quick to use.
  8. Spackle– this is just one type- no wrong or right type- just something to fill in nail holes, small cracks etc.
  9. Screwdriver– you need something to take the wallplates off the walls
  10. Razor blades– there are several types of these as well as snap off blades- This by far one of the most important things to have- plenty of new- sharp blades so you can trim, cut, wrap wallpaper.
  11. Smoothing tool– these come by a few hundred type- soft, hard, medium, rubber, plastic, degrees of stiffness, with or without fabric edges, leather bound, and the list goes one- not to even mention the colors or the width.
  12. Sweep- as it sounds it is a bristle brush that you sweep across the surface to get the paper to adhere to the wall.

There are a few other tools you will have to add in some way or another, one being a wallpaper table. Here is a video on the one we have:

Wallpaper Table

And that is it! Simple post today and to the point to get you up and going.

If you have questions or want to learn about wallpaper installation, give us a call, and we will see how we can help!

How to prepare a wall for wallpaper

If you are going to have wallpaper installed, or if you are going to tackle it yourself, then you must make sure that your walls are prepared for wallpaper.

I hope you are doing well today! With all the blog posts we write regarding wallpaper, I see that I have never written a blog post on How to Prepare a Wall for Wallpaper. Today, we are giving you some things to look at, pay attention to and some products for wallpaper preparation.

What do your walls look like?

Here is a quick list of what you need to look at:

  • Do you have drywall, plaster or cement walls?
  • Are there any holes that need to be repaired?
  • When was the last time the walls were painted?
  • Can you see other spots on the walls from previous wall repairs?
How to prepare a wall for wallpaper - brand new drywall
Brand new drywall
past wall damage
Past wall damage

The pictures above are two things you must look very closely at. Wallpaper does not hide imperfections. In fact, it will reveal them.

damaged drywall corner - prepare for wallpaper
Damaged drywall corner

The above photo is common in almost every home we visit, damaged drywall corners.  These are tricky to repair. If you’re not handy don’t try to fix them as you will make them worse.

Where to start preparing walls for wallpaper

You have already looked at the walls- you may have list! That is ok! Now you know exactly what you need to do, we will just lay out the start to finish for you.

  • Repair any wall damage!  the above photos show a few things that are common to have repaired.  There are many other things to consider as you begin wall repairs- nail holes for instance.  If you are filling holes, plan on filling the hole, allow to dry completely, then sand smooth. Add a second coat of filler to make sure the repair is smooth to the wall- no divots.
  • Once you make the repairs, you need to scuff sand your walls. We use sand sponges and pole sanders such as this one: wall sander - pole sander - drywall damage
  • After you have sanded the walls, it should feel smooth, no rough spots, no burrs or old paint drips.
  • You need to wipe the walls to get rid of the dust you just created- makes a better smoother surface!
  • Now it’s time for primer!!
roman pro 977 wall primer
Roman 977 Wall Primer

gardz problem surface sealer

These are the two primers we use for wallpaper. Roman is white pigment and can also be tinted.  The Gardz, is clear- but it also penetrates the wall! Crazy how it works but it will actually soak into the wall to provide great surface to work with. You can see even though Gardz is clear, the difference in how the wall looks after only 1 coat!

walls with and without gardz
walls with and without gardz

Once you apply the primer it is best to allow the primer to dry overnight.

Special wall circumstances for wallpaper

I asked earlier if you have plaster or cement walls. These walls have their own methods of wall prep before wallpaper.  These surfaces are harder, usually uneven textured in their appearance, and can will have their own special issues when trying to wallpaper over.

The surfaces being harder will need different primers and they will need to be scuffed up! Especially plaster- the surface is so hard and dense that the moisture from the wallpaper adhesive will cause bubbles in the wallpaper. This takes place because as the glue dries, it evaporates, and that air has to go somewhere- if no into the wall- it goes to the paper. The surface with the least resistance will have to deal with air- and you don’t want a wall full of bubbles!

What else ?

That’s it! It sounds pretty easy and straight forward, but this is the most important part of wallpaper installation to make sure the paper can be removed, and to ensure the wallpaper has a proper uniform surface to adhere too.

If you have questions on wallpaper prep or installs please let us know. We hope we can help you love the space you’re in!

How to purchase a wallpaper mural

Have you seen some of the recent wallpaper installations available on Facebook, HGTV, or our web page? If not – check them out, but learn how to purchase a wallpaper mural before you start!

Hello again, everyone! David Cook from D’franco Painting & Wallpaper with another blog post for you. This one is about “how to purchase a wallpaper mural.” It may seem like a simple task. Go online, find what you like, and order. How hard can it be?

Buyer beware when purchasing wallpaper from China

I will say I know that is dangerous to say in such a vague manner. So, let’s clarify. I am speaking about wallpaper murals. I am speaking from 1st hand experience and knowledge. In our last install, although we did get it on the wall, several issues should be cause for concern:

  • what kind of paper is it printed on?
  • ask the type of ink being used
  • what is the warranty?
  • how long will it take to get?
  • is it being measured in inches or metric?
  • will the ink be safe?
  • can the wallpaper be washed?

In speaking with several other installers and two other printers, they all agreed that you get what you pay for. China prints as cheaply as possible, and they do not care less about how long it lasts, how it will be removed from the wall, or how you will install it.

Top 6 questions about buying a wallpaper mural you should ask and know!

I could have given you answers as I see it, from the opinion and experience of a wallpaper installer- but instead, we called one of the leading companies to buy wallpaper murals- Murals Your Way! In speaking with Matt, I told him what we were looking for, as well as questions I had. Here are the results:

  1.  How long have you been in business?
  2. Where are you located?
  3. Know where are the wallpapers manufactured?
  4. What type of materials are the murals printed on?
  5. Durability of the inks used?
  6. What are some common issues with these types of wallpaper murals?

I’ll bet you may want to hear his answers to these questions. So here we go.

  • Murals Your Way has been in business nine years
  • Murals Your Way is located in North Carolina
  • Everything is in the same location where the sales, design, and tech support work.
  • Materials used for printing are paper, fabric, canvas, and vinyl.
  • How well will the ink stand up to washing? There are two types used, latex/eco will need a top coat in high-traffic areas and perform well with soap and water cleaning. The UVs will stand up to more chemical types of cleaners.
  • The most common issues with the products are self-adhered murals and the type of substrate they were installed on. What does that mean? If you use a cheap latex flat or matte paint and install the mural 8 hours after you have painted it, you will most likely experience a failure of some sort. High-quality acrylic paints that have dried for up to 90 days will give a surface that will perform just as they advertise. Another factor is primer. Use a wallpaper primer/wall sealer such as Gardz. This creates a surface that is for wallpaper!

What are some issues with wallpaper from cheaper websites?


paint comes off on fingers

The result of cheap products used for wallpaper. As you can see, we touched the paper to roll it up, and in doing so, the ink came off our fingers. We went to rubber gloves, and it came off on the gloves. We used dry microfiber rags. Yep, it came off there too.

The ink smell was awful- not what I would want in a baby’s room

We tested a scrap piece with a damp rag- the mural almost came off the paper!

ink coming off with wallpaper sweep
Here is an image of the ink coming off with a wallpaper sweep!

Look at this image closely and see the marks made from a wallpaper sweep- it made lines where the bristles of the brush touched the paper!

As the paper was exposed to the wallpaper adhesive, it created bubbles. As we smoothed out the paper, it immediately made wrinkles, and yes, we pulled the color from the paper.

In a nutshell- the ink comes off the paper way too easily- how would you ever wash the wall? Nothing you would want for a kid’s room for sure.

Where will you purchase your next wallpaper Mural from?

I am not saying Murals your way is the only place to buy. There are some local sign and printing companies that are doing amazing work! Take a few minutes to ask the questions and get the right product to serve your needs best! If you have other questions about wallpaper installation, let us know how we can help you love the space you’re in!

How to install Ellie Cashman floral wallpaper

Do you like floral wallpaper? If so then todays post on How to install Ellie Cashman wallpaper is for you!

I hope you are doing well today! I am David Cook with D’Franco Painting & Wallpaper, this was a fun job to install. Hope these steps help you in the wallpaper installation if you tackle it yourself, or know what to expect if you have an Ellie Cashman Floral wallpaper installed for you. if you have never seen their wallpaper check out their website: Ellie Cashman wallcoverings

Last week we did a how to measure for this wallpaper, you can re-read it here.

Where to start installing?

As you can see, we started with a blank wall- we did actually prime it this color… in our how to install Ellie Cashman floral wallpaper, this is post 2 in the process of getting a successful wallpaper installation.

walls with primer only
walls that were primed

After the primer sat overnight, we came ready to hang! With all of our tools we unpacked the wallpaper.

here is how the wallpaper arrives
unrolled panel of Ellie Cashman wallpaper

This wallpaper is made, printed and shipped in one roll. It is a little odd, but it is made for your room- so make sure you measured correctly! We made sure there was nothing damaged in the shipping.  You get instructions shipped as part of the roll so you do not have to worry about them being missing.

As you will read on the instructions- this is a left to right install, so all you have to do is pick which corner you want to start at!

Once you figure out where you are starting, measure the paper width, take that measurement to the wall and mark it.  Once we made our mark on the wall, we turned on the laser level to make sure if we started at our mark there was no gaps. What does that mean- we wanted to make sure the wall was level, other wise the wallpaper may be against the trim or corner at the bottom- but if the wall is not level- you may have a gap where the wall will show through.

taking the paper width to the wall

how wide are the panels?

Hanging the 1st panel of wallpaper!!

Now we are getting to the fun part of the job! With this wallpaper, we are applying the wallpaper adhesive right to the wall. BE CAREFUL!- don’t get too far ahead of yourself.  I will roll the adhesive on 1st, then use the brush to cut in the adhesive – like your painting. Why?? the adhesive you apply with the brush will dry faster than than the adhesive you rolled on the wall.

Each panel (or piece of wallpaper) is numbered.  As you unroll them, you will need to roll each piece so that it has the white backing side out- and so that when you unroll it you are starting at the top of the wall and can allow the paper to unroll to the floor without getting paste on the front of the wallpaper.

Beginning on your left, have either the laser or a level to make a line on the wall- your first piece must be straight and level!! This paper does not stretch- so you will have gaps and overlaps if your paper is not level on the wall.  Keep in mind there should be about 1 inch on the top and the bottom- make sure you give your self that 1 inch at the top. This will allow for the variance in the the ceiling as it moved up and down- they are never completely straight/level.

Now hang the rest of the room!

Take your time! Install each piece going in numerical order!! Remember that slow is steady and steady is fast.

hang your panels around the room
installing panels around the room

See the install in a full Youtube video..

you can see the above steps in a video as well as see the install with our time lapse camera- complete with customer reaction!

Your turn!!

Now that we gave you a brief guide on How to install Ellie Cashman floral wallpaper, what is next? How can we help you with your other wallpaper installation and or questions? Let us know how we can help you love the space you’re in!

Fill out our estimate request for a free estimate from the comfort of your home!

How to measure for Ellie Cashman floral wallpaper

Do you like large floral prints? Have you ever heard of Ellie Cashman Designs? If you answered yes then this blog is for you!

Hi! David Cook here with another blog. This time it is on how to measure for Ellie Cashman Floral wallpapers. Once y0u measure your wall or room, I will walk you through how to order it from their website. Pretty easy, but worth a few clarifications to make this easy and error-proof for when we come to install this for you, and when we do…there are no errors!

ellie cashman design

What is Ellie Cashman?

Basically that is the name and brand of large scale wallpapers designed with oversized floral patterns of various sizes and colors. Unlike some other floral papers we have installed, this is made for your walls- 100% custom so it fits and no clear patterns- it really looks impressive.  Their website is :

Here are a few examples:

Elle Cashman floral wallpaper
How to measure for Elle Cashman floral wallpaper
floral wallpaper as an accent panel
Ellie Cashman floral wallpaper in bathroom
Elle Cashman Floral Wallpaper installed in a powder room

How to measure for Ellie Cashman Wallpaper

For a welcome change, the measuring for this wallpaper is pretty straight forward. You measure the height and width of each wall you are going to install it on.

How to measure for Wallpaper

The above is a simple room drawn out (in inches). I have shown the openings, but you do not subtract for the openings due to the pattern they design.

How to order your Ellie Cashman wallpaper.

I took a screen shot of the website with the 5 steps to order your wallpaper:

how to order your ellie cashman wallpaper
screen shot of Ellie Cashman website to order
  1. Pick your design and color variation
  2. Pick the material you want it printed on
  3. Select inches or meters as your unit of measurement
  4. Enter the total width of the wall or total of all the walls you are installing the wallpaper on
  5. Enter the height in inches of the wall or walls you are installing the wallpaper in

Believe it or not- that is all you to do.

How is the wallpaper shipped?

These are photos of the Ellie Cashman Dark Floral II grey wallpaper that was ordered for a upcoming project.  It comes in a single roll!

how ellie cashman wallpaper arrives
here is how the wallpaper arrives
roll of ellie cashman wallpaper
here is a solid roll of the Ellie Cashman wallpaper as shipped

Inspect the roll, which was perfect, then read the instructions. Look for any special instructions you need to pay attention too.  As the wallpaper is in a single roll- each panel will be cut as we need them. This paper is a paste the wall application.  Two people are/is ideal for installing this wallpaper.

I thought it was pretty cool that their thank you note is a plantable card of seeds!

Ellie Cashman Design thanks for your purchase card
Ellie Cashman thank you card

You measured, you ordered, now install it and Enjoy your wallpaper!

This was a quick and easy blog post that answered a customers question, thought it may help others as well.  Please let us know if this helps. We would love to see the pictures of your finished installation!

Let us know how we an help you love the space you are in!!  We can provide Virtual estimates for wallpaper, interior painting, and refinishing cherry, oak, and maple cabinets (as well as previously painted).

How to get your walls ready for wallpaper.

Are you having wallpaper installed in your home or installing the wallpaper yourself? If so, then you will want to read how to get your walls ready for wallpaper!

Hello again, this is David from D’franco Painting & Wallpaper, and I just wanted to share a few things to help you in your wallpaper installation so you have a trouble-free installation. Inspecting your walls or using this as a checklist of things to think about before you install wallpaper will make the installation that much better for you. Knowing what to look at will make sure that if you hire someone, you are hiring the right person. In any case, getting your walls ready for wallpaper is not just a nice thought…it is a must!

Do your walls need repairs?

In most homes that we inspect, there is little need for wall repairs. If there are any, it is usually from nail holes, old picture hangers, etc. But sometimes…

drywall damage - how to get your walls ready for wallpaper
Drywall damage from baseboard replacement
drywall damage from wallpaper removal
Drywall damage from wallpaper removal
drywall damage from tile removal
Here is drywall damage from tile removed from a wall

Each of these issues will need attention before you start installing drywall. These repairs usually take several coats to fill in the holes and make things smooth again. If you don’t know how this is done, it is one of the things you want to hire someone to do, as you will see every single knick, ding, scrape, bubble, uneven spot, or divot in the walls. You want to make sure the walls are ready for wallpaper by being very smooth.

Are you removing wallpaper?

This should be a yes or already done. If you have commercial wallpaper, it is against fire code to install new vinyl or old vinyl wallcovering.

Here is a quick video on one of our guys removing wallpaper: Removal

Are your walls sealed or primed and ready for the wallpaper?

If you have had any drywall repairs made, then you must seal those spots. We have several products we use, but one of the ones we have used more of lately is ROMAN 977 as it is a white pigment and can be tinted.

roman 977 white pigment primer
Roman 977 white pigment primer

Priming your walls video

Make sure that you are using a wallpaper primer, and NOT a drywall primer! There is a difference. Drywall primer does not really soak into the surface. It sits more like paint. Wallpaper primers do a better job, some more than others, of penetrating the wall surface to create a uniform solid surface that the wallpaper adhesive can adhere to. Are you asking or saying, “So what?” GOOD! If you have ever put a piece of tape on the wall, go to remove it and the paint and drywall rip off the wall with the tape? This is the reason we use what we do. The primers penetrate, almost gluing, the surfaces together. When it is time to remove the wallpaper, it comes off like it should, leaving a solid wall surface you can paint or hang new wallpaper.

Be sure of any other work you want done before wallpaper installation begins.

What we mean by that is:

  • Are you replacing a towel holder?
  • Getting a new mirror?
  • Changing your vanity?
  • Updating your toilet?
  • Removing the toilet paper holder?
  • Painting your ceiling or trim?
dfranco wallpaper removal
Wallpaper Removal
wallpaper removal - dfranco painting & wallpaper
Wallpaper removed, trim painted

If there is a “yes” to any of these questions, you need to make sure that you are having it done before wallpaper begins.

What else you should do before starting to install wallpaper?

Aside from the above…

Make sure you have the proper adhesive for the wallpaper you are using.

Double check the wallpaper for any defects. Here is our last install that we had to stop due to defective materials.

Have clean water, plenty of space, and READ the instructions one more time.

When done, have fun! Wallpaper can be fun to install. Seeing the transformation take place is worth the time.

If you have questions on wallpaper installation, let us know how we can help you love the space you’re in.

How much does it cost for accent wallpaper?

So, you want accent wallpaper?

That is great! Once you have decided on the wallpaper (and this is a very important step) you will most likely ask- How much will it cost for accent wallpaper installation?  There are several factors that affect the cost:

  • The type of wallpaper you have selected
  • When do you need it done? (ie. is this a night job?)
  • Do you need wallpaper removed?
  • Do you need any drywall repaired
  • Are you considering changing light fixtures
  • You hate your towel rack and want a new one
  • Your toilet paper holder is old and you want something new
powder room accent wallpaper
Accent wallpaper in a powder room

I am David Cook, owner of D’franco Painting & Wallpaper, and I am here to give you some information and basic costs from our company on cost of wallpaper installation for accent walls.

Why does the type of wallpaper affect the cost?

There are some types of wallpaper that will cost more to install than others.  These types are usually paper- wallpaper, fabric type papers, hand printed, hand painted or just delicate.  These types of wallpaper may have a need for a ling paper. Lining paper is a product used to install on a wall, that provides a uniform surface for the adhesive to adhere too, and prevent the wallpaper from shrinking, moving and gripping as designed.

Installing a lining paper is like using paper bag type material on the wall, so in essence you are having two wallpapers installed.  In doing so, the cost will be higher than other “simpler” wallpapers.

Does pre-pasted wallpaper cost less to install than non-pasted paper?

No. Pre-pasted wallpaper is nice, looks good, but from my perspective, I do not not know what type of adhesive is on the wallpaper. So we use a product called paste activator. See it here. It ensures a uniform surface.  We also will dilute a clear adhesive and roll it onto the wallpaper again, to allow a uniform surface of adhesive.

Pre-pasted papers do not affect the strippabilty of the paper. That is determined by the primers used- proper preparation prevents poor performance!

How much will it cost to install a accent wall of wallpaper?

Ok- enough of the fluff right? For our company when we come out to sand, fix knicks dings, prime the wall, set up, etc. and install wallpaper even for a small job we have to charge $500.00. Holy crap?? Not really- we have to pay for an employee to drive to the location, set up, do the work, clean up, and get back to the shop. No matter what, we still have to pay for insurance, work comp, utilities, materials etc. (so do 2 walls!)

bathroom accent wall
Here is a bathroom accent wall

Other considerations for wallpaper installations

One of the things we didn’t mention was where the wallpaper is going to be installed.

accent wallpaper on curved wall stairway
Here is a tall curved wall that makes installation tricky

It doesn’t happen often, but last week we did have a difficult wallpaper install: 24 foot curved wall with a staircase. so it may only be one wall, but it take two people to carry the ladders and mini scaffold planks needed to reach those awkward heights, so expect a higher installation cost.

Do you have other questions about wallpaper installation?

Then give us a call! Send us a text! We can’t wait to find how we can help you love the space you’re in!

Commercial Wallpaper and Paint

Wallpaper in a dining room

Commercial Painting and Wallpaper

Are you looking for Commercial Painting and Wallpaper for your school, business, or work site?

As you search for a contractor to perform these services, do you know what you are looking for? Hi! I am David Cook, owner of D’franco Painting & Wallpaper. I hope I can provide some insights based off the questions we are asked as to how to hire someone for Commercial painting and wallpaper!

commercial painting - dfranco elgin
Commercial painting of brick walls
commercial wallpaper installation - conference room wallpaper
Commercial wallpaper installation for a conference room

Are you insured?

This is one of the first questions we are asked by property managers, building managers, general contractors and insurance companies. It is a good question to ask-but a better question is not if you are insured but do you have _______ type of insurance. Why did you ask that question? It is because you have a specific need- so ask the specific of what you need.

We have lost jobs because of our limits being to low, not enough liability etc.

Are your employees given background checks?

I love this question!  YES!!  I want to know who is working in my house.  We just had a customer make a comment to us last week about not knowing who the employees are in their house.  I never thought about making home owners feel at ease by telling them up front about background checks and having pictures of our employees coming to a job site- till yesterday.

But…there is always a but!  Do you know if the contractor you hired uses employees? Did you ask? There are many times we are used as a subcontractor as a commercial wallpaper installer as well as residential wallpaper installer because they do not do that type of work.   Using a subcontractor or having them for your project is not a bad thing- just know who is coming and if they have the insurance or background checks.

Is commercial painting different from residential painting?

It should not be, but the reality it is there are different materials used on a commercial side that would not be used in your home.  The painting on a commercial setting can be more forgiving, more messy, less technical.

commercial painting services
Special surfaces to be considered in a commercial painting setting
  • Commercial buildings are usually sprayed
  • Commercial setting usually need lifts or scaffolding
  • When we have painted commercially, we don’t have to worry about carpet or hardwood floors
  • Paint odor in commercial buildings usually are not an issue- no one is there
  • There is less furniture “stuff” to move compared to residential painting
residential paint project - dining room painting
A typical residential paint project

When we paint residential projects:

  • We have to be sensitive to home owners schedules
  • Consideration to allergies to dust, odors, etc.
  • Covering floors
  • Wrapping furniture with plastic
  • Types of paint that are used

These are simplified but- it does matter.

Does it matter between Commercial wallpaper and residential wallpaper?

Yes is the short answer, and the “but” is that there really isn’t a residential wallpaper. Commercial wallpaper is:

  • Typically 54 inches wide
  • Is used in large open areas such as Dr. offices, hotels etc.
  • It is meant for 15 plus years
  • Typically uses heavier duty adhesive
  • Wears better/longer than those used in homes
  • Is easier and quicker to install
  • Can be less technical to install
  • It is also easily washed with water
  • Commercial wallpaper can also hide more imperfections on the wall (it can, it depends on the paper used)
commercial wallpaper in elevator vestibule
commercial wallpaper in a elevator vestibule
hotel commercial wallpaper
Here is a hotel with commercial wallpaper

I hope this helps as you search for the right contractor for your next commercial wallpaper or painting project. Let us know if you have any questions. We want to help you love the space you’re in!

Here are some other blogs we have written on commercial wallpaper as well as commercial painting:

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